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Homemade Dog Food

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Typically vet formulated for specific health issues.

Special Diets

Raw Diets

Raw food diets consist of uncooked meat, bones, fruits, and vegetables.

Freeze Dried Food

Freeze-dried food is made by removing the moisture from food ingredients.


Ingredient Ratios

Aim for a balanced mix of protein, carbs (vegetables, fruits), and healthy fats (fish oils, olive oil).

Organ Meats

Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, providing an extra boost to a homemade diet.

Feeding Quantities

A dog's age and weight are important considerations, just as the  calorie content.


Homemade meals often lack sufficient calcium. To address this, consider a calcium supplement.

Fatty Acids

Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids are crucial for skin and coat, immunity, and cognitive function.

Natural Supplements

Certain deficiencies can occur and require additional supplements, such as multivitamins and calcium.

Typically vet formulated for specific health issues.

Special Diets

Raw Diets

Raw food diets consist of uncooked meat, bones, fruits, and vegetables.

Freeze Dried Food

Freeze-dried food is made by removing the moisture from food ingredients.


A woman is holding a dachshund while a veterinarian examines it with a stethoscope.
By Fido's Bowl 29 Mar, 2024
Considering homemade dog food? Worried your vet will object? Learn how to have a productive conversation, address vet concerns, & create a balanced homemade diet plan your pup (and vet) will love.
a brown dog is licking its nose with its tongue .
By Fido's Bowl 26 Feb, 2024
Unsure how much homemade food to feed your dog? Explore 2 methods to estimate portions, including pros & cons, & crucial tips for a safe transition!
a white plate topped with chicken livers and parsley
By Fido's Bowl 26 Feb, 2024
Learn about the benefits and safe inclusion of organ meats in homemade dog food diets. Understand the difference between organs and why moderation is key.
a wooden bowl filled with brown eggs on a piece of burlap .
By Fido's Bowl 26 Feb, 2024
Homemade dog diets lack crucial calcium! Learn why it's important & how to safely add calcium supplements to your dog's homemade meals.
a close up of a brown dog with its tongue hanging out .
By Fido's Bowl 26 Feb, 2024
Considering a balanced homemade diet for your dog? We explore the importance of ingredient ratios and how they are key to a wholesome diet.
a woman is kneeling down to feed her dog in a living room .
By Fido's Bowl 27 Mar, 2023
Homemade dog food can be more expensive than kibble but it does not have to be. See our tips to making homemade dog food more affordable without compromising quality.
a bunch of asparagus and a piece of paper on a table .
By Fido's Bowl 09 Feb, 2023
You can find many homemade dog food recipes online, but are they safe and balanced? Learn how to find safe and balanced recipes online.

Calcium Supplements

a scoop of calcium powder spilling out of it on a blue surface .
By Fido's Bowl 27 Feb, 2024
Two natural calcium options for homemade pet food: Animal Essentials & Wholistic Pet Organics. Learn about sources, benefits & where to buy!
a wooden bowl filled with brown eggs on a piece of burlap .
By Fido's Bowl 25 Jan, 2023
Make your own calcium supplement for homemade dog food at home using only eggshells. Follow these easy steps for a budget-friendly supplement.

Typically vet formulated for specific health issues.

Special Diets

Raw Diets

Raw food diets consist of uncooked meat, bones, fruits, and vegetables.

Freeze Dried Food

Freeze-dried food is made by removing the moisture from food ingredients.


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